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Improve business process management


The DIGIT project, has allowed to implement the TeamSystem ERP and to ensure a better use of treasury through three management systems: TeamSystem Entreprise, TeamSystem HR and Treasury.

The use of these applications makes it possible to better manage business processes by creating more structure, control and management of flows.

The Digit project is divided into the following steps:

  • Supply of licenses for the use of TeamSystem Enterprise, TeamSystem HR and Treasury software
  • System Integration
  • Customization services of the systems and digital solutions adopted
  • Specialized consulting


    POR FESR 2014/2020 – Avviso Pubblico           “Progetti di Innovazione Digitale”


   Project Code

    Allowed Investment  
   € 149 550 00

    Allowed Grant
    € 59 820 00



TeamSystem Enterprise is a management system that has allowed companies to navigate within a parameterizable system, ensuring a high control over activities through specific performance indicators, graphs and tables. Moreover, it has made the company’s performance intelligible in real time through specific KPIs.

With a single management system it has been possible to cover different business areas:

  • Administration and finance
  • Management control
  • Sales
  • Purchases
  • Projects
  • Documents
  • Customer management
  • Warehouse and logistics
  • Payroll data analysis

TeamSystem Entreprise HR, allows you to control every phase of the administrative process of personnel, from recruitment to the management of the employment relationship until its termination, and to enrich the proposal with vertical functionalities, such as welfare, performance management and aspects related to compensation, corporate training, H&S organization and health surveillance.

There has been a real digital transformation of the figure of the HR going to completely redefine the practices and processes used in the company towards innovative and more agile evolutions, transforming human resources in internal customers of the same organization.

Treasury has facilitated the role of the treasurer in the company by enabling proper management of accounting schedules. In fact, thanks to the constant and complete use of the modules of the passive and active cycle, it allows to have visibility of the cash flows necessary for the current management and the analysis of the forecasted flows. Through a daily use of treasury it is possible to have an online picture of the situation of flows, availability and needs.

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