Innovation is a process that starts with an open mind
Datawizard is a catalyst for design thinking and innovation to resolve the most complex challenges in every project and team we are part of.

our approach
Human-Centered design and
Datawizard helps organizations in exploring funding opportunities, partner matching, proposal development and management. Our dedicated scouting team is constantly searching for new opportunities to fund and build sustainable innovation projects.
Innovation Management Phases
Profile analysis, individuating opportunities, value proposition for public projects, introduction to stakeholders, technology brokerage.
Definition of role and contribution to project, coordination of proposal writing and material generation, budget negotiation, administrative management in EC portal.
Consortium agreement, administrative portal management, plenary meetings, technical and financial reporting, dissemination and sustainability.
Patient and citizen empowerment app applying semantic and NLP technology to turn trusted medicine data into useful services. Grant 711824 – H2020 SME Instrument Phase 2
Intelligent system for doctors to personalize drug prescriptions by analyzing patient and clinical data, drug interactions and genomic profile. Drug Pin is a project started by a group of scientists pioneering the field of personalised medicine.
ICT-based system for providing personalized nutrition. PROTEIN is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public and private sector organizations working to promote health and wellbeing. Grant 817732, H2020-SFS-2018-2020, 20 partners, 11 countries.
Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines – implementation of ISO IDMP standards in EU Member States drug databases, supporting safe cross-border ePrescription/ eDispensation and effective pharmacovigilance. Grant #875299. 48 partners, 19 countries. DATAWIZARD is the only Italian SME company involved in the project.
Supporting patients with chronic diseases, formal and informal caregivers and professionals for continuous care through emotional and vital parameters recognition crossed with Artificial Intelligence technologies. Grant 875325
Innovative Medicines Initiative project co-led by Pfizer and other pharma companies for improving patient health access, understanding and adherence to therapy, implementing ePI, EHR access and 2-way communication between patients and healthcare providers. Grant #945334. 41 partners, 15 countries.
AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine – aggregate health data from 66 healthcare teams in 15 countries to develop novel AI-based therapeutic approaches for rare hematological disorders.
Grant #101017549
Transforming health data sets (electronic health records, patient registries, hospital data, etc) into the OMOP common data model as a certified SME in the global OHDSI community. Datawizard has been selected by Società Italiana di Medicina Generale as key EHDEN Data Providers, to assist them in mapping more than 2 million patient health records to the OMOP common data model.

Implementation of TeamSystem ERP and improved use of treasury across three management systems including: TeamSystem Entreprise, TeamSystem HR and Treasury. The use of these applications improves the management of business processes by creating more structure, control and flow management.
Novel digital tools to improve adherence to treatment in hypertension patients

The project aims to identify social isolation, improve levels of home care, intervene with human interaction and AI devices and foster emotional relationships with family members.
The use of intelligent voice assistants, not only to support people’s daily activities but also to contribute to their well-being.

The project aims to create an international hub, in which to develop and validate innovative artificial intelligence-based techniques to anonymize patients’ clinical and biological information and generate synthetic data, while complying with privacy regulations.
The purpose of Health Wings is to make people aware of taking care of their health, through a simple daily game.

@HOME is an innovative project aimed at transforming Integrated Home Care (ADI) by integrating advanced technologies with a personalized care system. Our main objective is to improve the quality of life for the elderly and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases, ensuring them an active, healthy, and safe aging process.
EBASI aims to detect, avoid and prevent elderly social isolation improving the social inclusion and facilitating the adoption of active aging interventions.
Our experts have written a guide to applying for Horizon Europe and other funding sources. This high quality document contains relevant industry insights to help you get funding and make an impact.

@HOME è un progetto innovativo che punta a trasformare l’Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata (ADI) integrando tecnologie avanzate con un sistema di cura personalizzato. Il nostro obiettivo principale è migliorare la qualità della vita degli anziani e delle persone con malattie neurodegenerative, garantendo loro un invecchiamento attivo, sano e sicuro.